Keep Hope AliveThere is an Angel of Hope

As Lorna Byrne points out in her book, A Message of Hope from the Angels, there  is an Angel of Hope.  He helps keep the light of hope burning inside each of us throughout our lives.  Hope makes the impossible possible. Hope keeps us moving in the right direction. It keeps us from giving up on our dreams, our life’s purpose, our wishes and our loved ones. The Angel of Hope cannot stop complications in our lives like the loss of a job, struggles with health, or loss of loved ones, but they can give us the strength to persevere and keep moving forward to brighter days.

Hope is what keeps us searching for an answer to our problems, reaching out to family and friends for help. The Angel of Hope encourages us to ask our Guardian Angels to help direct us to see the light.

By demonstrating to others that we still have hope, even in the darkest of times, we become a beacon of light for others.   Lorna Byrne reminds us that it could be something as simple as volunteering to clean up a neglected park area; you and the other volunteers make the park a beautiful place again where children and families can enjoy themselves and even the birds appreciate your efforts and reward everyone with their renewed chirping. By not giving up on the dilapidated park and doing the work, you demonstrate to others that there is hope for a better tomorrow.

Perhaps family and friends have given up hope for a loved one because of poor choices, but you continue to offer encouragement to the person struggling, and s/he eventually turns his life around. Maybe you are in financial hardship, but you keep working to get out of debt and begin thriving again. You may have had a major break up and struggled with depression, but you kept learning and came out a better person because of your hard time and finally were smiling again. Through all of your life lessons, you have gained experience that you can use to help others going through similar struggles.

The small steps that we make toward the betterment of our land, our family and ourselves can have even greater benefits as we encourage others to do the same.  Anything is possible, and miracles do happen, but we must not give up hope. The Angel of Hope is around us all the time.  Be thankful.  We all have a part to play in growing hope in the world.

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